Friday, May 8, 2009

Back to the basics

I had one of Cindee's ah-ha moments last week. My weight didn't what was up with that???? I have not cheated, I exercised....and then it hit me. The food journal never lies, so I pulled it out and calculated calories as best I could and although I didn't cheat, the calories were adding up to very near what I should consume to maintain that current weight. All the little extra protein snacks like string cheese, peanuts, jerky, or an apple, was adding sometimes an extra 200-250 calories on a "bad" day. I should be keeping my caloric intake to under 1000 calories to keep losing weight. Well, cripes, it makes sense now and since I am supposed to be in the "weight loss" mode and not maintenance mode, I need to cut out the snacks or at least most of them until I get to my goal......then I can maintain all I want. Even great protein snacks have calories, so be sure to add those in when you're starting to wonder why the weight isn't coming off.......So, the point to all this is, I lost 2 pounds this week!! That makes 44 incredible pounds. I'm so excited, it's like starting all over and that excitement during the first few weeks of this's like a high....without the illegal drugs.

We are going to the Eagles concert tomorrow night and I hope to get someone to take my picture after we get all spiffied up to go and I'll get that picture on here.....I've been saying that for weeks now. I got some new size 8 jeans to wear.....oh, yay! I must admit, I think I'm looking pretty good for an almost 53 year old gramma! (minus the wrinkles, that is)

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